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5 Home Workout Tips

Working out can be a very difficult habit to schedule and maintain. We all understand the need to exercise regularly, but we never seem to find the time or energy. Here are a few tips to make working out at home a little easier!

1: Designate a Space
Creating the space for a workout in an apartment can be challenging, but dedicating a space for a workout is the best way to stay motivated. Slide your coffee table out of the way or move your bed to one side of the room. Devoting space to your goal removes one excuse for missing workouts and reminds you to work out each time you see that designated space.

2: Schedule a Time
Plan a specific time and set a timer or a reminder to help you stick to it. Working out before your shower is convenient and leaves you feeling clean and refreshed after your workout.  If you generally take a shower in the morning your workout can boost your energy level for the day. If you prefer to shower in the evening, exercise can help you sleep better through the night.

Exercising in your Daleville Apartment3: Invest In New Equipment
Purchasing your own workout equipment reinforces your decision to start an exercise program. Start small with a yoga mat or a set of hand weights, or buy whatever you need to follow your favorite online workout video. Adding new workout equipment to your collection over time will help you to keep stay challenged and keep your workouts fresh.

4: Include a Workout Buddy
You can work out with a friend even if you are working out at home! Keep each other motivated with text messages, or use a webcam to exercise together from your separate homes. Your buddy will help you look forward to exercising as a chance to catch up with a friend rather than a daily chore.

5: Use Privacy as an Advantage
In the privacy of your own home, you can set up a workout video on the TV or computer and customize your workout to your preferences. Play whatever music you enjoy as loud as you like, without worrying about your headphones getting in the way. Wear whatever you like (or maybe nothing at all) without thinking about what you look like or if your leggings are see-through! Working out privately can also boost your confidence by allowing you to avoid feeling self-conscious.

Are you still struggling to find time to work out regularly? Multi-task while you’re doing chores! Do squats while you wash the dishes. Do lunges while you vacuum. Squeeze in a few moves while you perform mundane tasks to improve your fitness, save time, and create a sense of productivity. Distracting yourself with household tasks can prevent the monotony associated with a daily workout.

There are plenty of ways to make working out in your apartment fun and effective! Experiment and learn what works for you. At the end of the day, what matters is that you work out, not how you work out!