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The Art of “Stay at Home”

Work at Home in Your Daleville ApartmentIt’s important to stay at home to protect ourselves and our community from the spread of COVID-19. Here are a few of our favorite tips to make “stay at home” less disruptive to your sanity.

Working at Home

Many of us are still working, which can be challenging in a home environment. Pets, children, even household chores can be very distracting. Remember a few tips:

Maintain a Schedule. Set a schedule for yourself that follows your typical work routine as closely as possible.

Create a workspace. Defining a specific space for work will help children and roommates avoid interruptions, and will also help you to separate work from downtime.

Parenting and Teaching

You and your kids are adapting to a whole new lifestyle. Keep a positive attitude and remember you are learning together. Find things to do that will keep your family active and engaged to promote good health and communication. Try a few of these activities to break up the boredom:

Cooking in Your Daleville ApartmentGo on an Indoor Scavenger Hunt. Hide treats and toys around the house and create clues to find them.
Make Paper Bag Puppets. Write a play and perform your own show.
Build a Blanket and Pillow Fort. It’s just as much fun as you remember.
Hold a Video Game Tournament. The winner gets ice cream!
Plan a Themed Movie Marathon. Cuddle up with some popcorn and watch together.
Set up a Blind Taste Test. See if your kids know the difference between broccoli and cauliflower by taste.
Teach a Cooking Class. Show your kids how to make their favorite treats.
Stage a Fashion Show. Play dress-up with old clothes and jewelry and do a Facetime show for Grandma.

For more ideas to keep families busy, click here.

Fighting off the Boredom

This can be an excellent time to catch up on activities that you may have been putting off. Deep clean your apartment or organize your closets, or put up some of the pictures you’ve always wanted to hang. Other ideas to help pass the time include:

Relax in Your Daleville ApartmentRead. Catch up on all those books you’ve always wanted to read, or order some new ones and start your own library.

Exercise. While the gym may be closed, you can go for a run, learn yoga in your apartment, start lifting weights, or work out to a dance video.

Plan. Get online and plan your dream getaway to look forward to or to take a virtual tour of a place you want to visit.

Cook. Brush up on your baking skills or make some soup to store in the freezer. Online cooking lessons can even teach you to make the perfect soufflé.

Start a New Hobby. Thinking about learning to knit? There are endless online resources to help you learn a new skill.

Shop. Help your favorite businesses by shopping online. Many shops are even offering online discounts to encourage sales.

Stay Connected to Your Family and Friends. Use your phone, your computer, even write letters. We may need to maintain a physical distance from one another, but we’re all in this together, and we’ll all get through it – together.